Dethatching Service for Properties in & Around Louisville, KY & Jeffersonville, IN
Dethatching will open up your lawn and give the roots of your grass better access to water, sunlight, and nutrients.

If your lawn is having trouble growing, chances are the roots of your grass aren't getting enough water, sunlight, or nutrients. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to jump straight to fertilization. In fact, fertilization won't even work if the real problem is too much thatch!
Thatch is a layer of debris that can consist of grass clippings, shoots, stems, and roots that get all tangled up. This layer sits right in between your blades of grass and your soil. Although there is such a thing as a healthy amount of thatch, too much build-up will prevent essential nutrients from reaching the roots of your grass. Our company offers fall dethatching services to Louisville, Kentucky and surrounding areas like Jeffersonville, Indiana.
What is thatch?
Thatch is a dense layer of both dead and living organic material. You can find this layer right under your blades of grass, where the stems meet the soil. Healthy lawns break down this matter and keep the thatch layer at a minimum. However, sometimes lawns produce thatch faster than it can break it down back into the soil. This is when you start to see the buildup and its negative effects.
Some types of grasses are more prone to a thatch buildup than others. In the Louisville, KY and Jeffersonville, IN areas, we have a lot of Kentucky bluegrass. This is a fast-growing grass type that, unfortunately, produces a lot of thatch faster than it can be broken down.
How to Tell if Your Lawn Has Too Much Thatch
A healthy amount of thatch will serve as organic mulch for your lawn. It will also help retain soil moisture and protect against big temperature changes. Too much thatch, however, will block water, fertilizer, sunlight, and nutrients from getting where they need to go.
Our company will always check the amount of thatch in your lawn before dethatching. We never want to remove a layer of organic matter that is actually providing benefits for your lawn. If you're curious how much thatch your lawn has, all you have to do is dig up a small wedge of your grass and soil. If you see that your thatch layer is an inch thick or more, it's time to schedule our dethatching service!
We Offer Our Highly Effective Dethatching Service During the Fall Season

It's important to take into consideration the strength of each lawn when dethatching. Pulling up a layer of debris can stress out a lawn that is already struggling to survive. Each grass type thrives at different times of the year, depending on the temperature.
Since the lawns in our area mostly have cool-season grass types, we only offer our dethatching service during the fall season. This is because cool-season grass is at its strongest point during this time and can easily handle thatch removal.
Pair our dethatching service with core aeration to give the roots of your grass even better access to water, sunlight, and essential nutrients.
Call us at (812) 590-8864 to schedule your dethatching service.
If your lawn is having trouble growing thick and strong, it's likely that a thick layer of thatch is blocking access to the soil and roots of your grass. Our dethatching service will take care of this so that water, sunlight, and essential nutrients can travel freely down into your soil. If your home or business is located in the Louisville, KY or Jeffersonville, IN areas, give our office a call today at (812) 590-8864 to schedule your dethatching service.