As we march forward towards the summer months here in Louisville, KY, more bugs begin to emerge, and more bugs also mean more grubs. Grub damage can oftentimes be extensive and costly, which is why it’s important to start thinking about scheduling a preventative grub control treatment before they begin to hatch this summer. Preventative grub control is applied to your soil and targets the grubs before they ever have the chance to become a problem.

For this reason, it’s important to have preventative grub control applied between May and June as this is the time of the year that grub eggs will be in the soil, but before they hatch. You want to give the treatment enough time to sink in your soil so that it’s effective at preventing the grubs from doing damage to your lawn. If you end up missing this window for preventative grub control, you risk your lawn becoming infested with grubs feeding on your turf roots. This results in you having to pay for a curative grub control treatment in addition to nursing your lawn back to health after the grubs have done their damage. These reasons make scheduling preventative grub control treatment crucial to maintaining your lawn’s health.

What is preventative grub control, and how does it work?

To put it simply, preventative grub control is a method of treatment used to prevent grubs from ever getting a foothold in your lawn. Preventative grub control will either kill the eggs before they hatch, or it will target the newly hatched larvae before they have a chance to do any damage. The preventative treatment needs to be applied on your lawn before the grub eggs hatch, and it must be irrigated into your soil using roughly a half-inch of water. It then sinks into your turf’s root zone where the grubs are known to actively feed.

When is the best time to apply preventative grub control?

Preventative grub control must be applied before any eggs hatch in July to be effective. This means the treatment needs to be applied between May and June for maximum effectiveness. This gives the preventative grub control treatment enough time to make its way to your turf’s root zone. If preventative grub control treatment is applied too early, then the treatment will not be as effective in July due to its potency degrading over time. However, if the treatment is applied too late, then it won’t reach the roots of your grass before the eggs hatch. By the time it does, the grubs will be too large for the preventative grub control treatment to be effective, and you’ll have to look into applying a curative grub treatment instead.

What happens if you don’t schedule preventative grub control?

If you skip preventative grub control treatment, you run the risk of your lawn succumbing to a grub infestation. The hatched grubs will feed on your turf’s roots as they grow, which ends up damaging your lawn. This means you would have to purchase a curative grub control treatment in addition to investing in additional lawn care to reverse the damage from the grub infestation. By scheduling a preventative grub control treatment, you can stop the grubs from growing and destroying your lawn, meaning you only have to focus on making sure your lawn remains in top condition.

Stop the grubs before they hatch! Call us today to schedule our preventative grub control treatment!

Now is the perfect time to think about preventative grub control before grubs hatch this summer. When you schedule preventative grub control with us, our team will arrive between May and June to apply the treatment for the best results. We service properties in the Louisville, KY area. We also service properties in the Jeffersonville, IN area, including New Albany and Sellersburg. Call us today at (812) 590-8864 to schedule our preventative grub control treatment!

Jason Murphy